Familienresort & Kinderhotel Ramsi
Kameritsch 8
A-9620 Hermagor-Pressegersee
Nassfeld . Presseggersee . Weissensee
Austria | Österreich
Get cosy in the pillows, sleep in, read, slouch and enjoy a great view of the Nassfeld and the Carnic Alps. Our suites, rooms and tiny houses are lovingly equipped and child-friendly well-being islands. With furniture made of larch wood and selected natural materials, we bet you would like to move in for good!
Find just the right thing for you. You can choose from 44 cosy WELLBEING ISLANDS:
Our Family Suites are between 45 and 68 m² in size and are self-contained units with a living area, a master bedroom (double bed) and a separate children’s room. Plenty of space for 3 to a maximum of 7 guests.
Our Junior Suites are between 35 and 40 m² in size and always consist of a master bedroom (double bed) and a children’s room. Enough space for 3 to a maximum of 5 guests.
Our Double Rooms are between 20 and 32 m² in size and offer cosy comfort for 2 to a maximum of 4 guests.
Our new Tiny Houses are very cosy holiday cottages measuring approx. 25 m² for 2 to a maximum of 4 guests.
They always come with: The Ramsi all-inclusive package